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LantiLator - Playground

9 texts in database:
Bryan's email: "Names are names are names Triangle would be trylydhm, tree-lee- deem. It is a very close representation to the word which represents the number three, much like in english (tri) to three tryly to untryly."
Confirmed by: Bryan
trylydhm, tryly, untryly triangle, tri, three
Bryan's emails
Confirmed by: Bryan
defsh, iykesh, neshtal, tyld, uik more, thank, indeed, child, so
Yshk La page (10/30/2006)
Confirmed by: (text)
Gilnor osen thfr ij licij tednot lankala beche rawet ivektol ny chrel di p sonlal nerfen. Chisheck gilnor osen tikov ny ishka di ny eutshoo. Jal tei rean enedia kol en hasya ske tolkna. Craah lyshaan un hasya nlyuk yshk iance. Chisheck shktol aladi masuka goro rnel kn geifyl ra shundaj shalan Jkl kintala gry ocktel. Gilnor osen thfr ij licij tednot lankala beche rawet ivektol the chrel of a sonlal nerfen. Chisheck gilnor osen tikov the blood of the king. Jal is rean with he/him and must ske found. In lyshaan I must nlyuk for iance. Chisheck shktol has/have masuka goro rnel kn geifyl to our shalan Jkl kintala gry ocktel.
Confirmed by: (unconfirmed)
Un ytar un kiyu kynpen ny jzan nympar ikwk esolot alad kn ytar utahyr I ytar I kiyu kynpen the jzan nympar ikwk esolot has(?)/have(?) kn ytar utahyr
Hank's second recording
Confirmed by: Bryan
Ridgarl tei chanzer. Ruk tei klyk p ghirld. Eshulst: ruk tei klyk p ghirld. Shen enedia srk jhi ny nbezik yshk nokovaeda. Malekia ny crashilu di shundaj jyjoril kajickek ny lanfyr. Fh tei ny jhi kyakan ghyra aladi ra viindor shundaj terin. Yshk Lanti, yshk La, yshk Gai. Evacuation is commencing. This is not a drill. Repeat: this is not a drill. Bring/take with you only the essentials for survival. Spread the knowledge of our destruction through the world. It is the only chance we has/have to perpetuate(?) our existence. For Atlantis, for God, for Earth.
Hank's first recording
Confirmed by: Bryan
spiala verkandon un esetula ra actino srk laku teyailn aladi iraja p arpka flalo talm craah olj fhar ra guakala ny linguala di shundaj mrkzai, ghyra aladi monlj hykyar en gora zinhaj sha skorjin ny trakan. esteemed citizens I regret to inform you that there has/have been a dire mistake made in an effort to continue the advancement of our civilization, we has/have brought spite and fury upon us from the visitors. after Oct 13.
Confirmed by: (text)
Lanti vyl p shantilan lafvyl hj ny tilnlyl ksi acktrol etshundan. Ruk peynin srk esutl smilan thyr jalun srk ra ny ishka di ny eutshoo. Ny atunama tei hyk, yshk srk hasya tollen en trikara kol di kon kanjal katutel. Ny gharsharn kol tolkna monlj j kon fejatala. Mshn klyk shorm kol yshk ny kayk di kon ponkhn. Atlantis was a beautiful place but the people did horrible thing. This man you first seek will lead you to the blood of the king. The atunama is hyk, for you must tollen and convince he/him of his kanjal katutel. The daughter he/him found brought on his obsession. Do not shorm he/him for the death of his ponkhn.
Confirmed by: Bryan
Ra nednai ny takma, peynin hasya keilyn ny moquin. Teyailn vyl esun mrkzai di peynin di Gai, teyailn vyl Lanti, teyailn vyl La, en masi ust awlyn. To understand the end, man must know the beginning. There was one civilization of man of Earth, there was Atlantis, there was God, and then came others.
Was on the webpage with the eye on it.
Confirmed by: (text)
Ra nnra koldaaj, jal hasya adjnak ny nukvad. To preserve humanity, jal must unleash the nukvad.
(1) acktrolhorrible
(1) actinoinform
(1) adjnakunleash
(1) aladhas(?)/have(?)
(4) aladihas/have
(1) arpkadire
(1) atunama
(1) awlynothers
(1) beche
(1) chanzercommencing
(2) chisheck
(1) chrel
(2) craahin
(1) crashiluknowledge
(1) defshmore
(9) diof
(4) enand
(2) enediawith
(1) esetularegret
(1) eshulstrepeat
(1) esolot
(1) esunone
(1) esutlfirst
(1) etshundanthing
(2) eutshooking
(1) fejatalaobsession
(1) fhit
(1) fhareffort
(1) flalomistake
(2) gaiearth
(1) geifyl
(1) gharsharndaughter
(2) ghirlddrill
(2) ghyrawe
(2) gilnor
(1) gorafury
(1) goro
(1) gry
(1) guakalacontinue
(5) hasyamust
(1) hjbut
(1) hyk
(1) hykyarspite
(1) iance
(1) ij
(1) ikwk
(1) irajabeen
(2) ishkablood
(1) ivektol
(1) iykeshthank
(1) jon
(2) jal
(1) jalunlead
(2) jhionly
(1) jkl
(1) jyjorildestruction
(1) jzan
(1) kajickekthrough
(1) kanjal
(1) katutel
(1) kaykdeath
(1) keilynknow
(1) kintala
(1) kiyu
(3) klyknot
(2) kn
(4) kolhe/him
(1) koldaajhumanity
(3) konhis
(1) ksidid
(1) kyakanchance
(1) kynpen
(2) laGod
(1) lafvylplace
(1) lakuthat
(1) lanfyrworld
(1) lankala
(3) lantiAtlantis
(1) licij
(1) lingualaadvancement
(1) lyshaan
(1) malekiaSpread
(1) masithen
(1) masuka
(2) monljbrought
(1) moquinbeginning
(2) mrkzaicivilization
(1) mshndo
(1) nbezikessentials
(1) nednaiunderstand
(1) nerfen
(1) neshtalindeed
(1) nlyuk
(1) nnrapreserve
(1) nokovaedasurvival
(1) nukvad
(19) nythe
(1) nympar
(1) ocktel
(1) oljan
(2) osen
(5) pa
(3) peyninman
(1) ponkhn
(7) rato
(1) rawet
(1) rean
(1) ridgarlevacuation
(1) rnel
(3) rukthis
(1) shaus
(1) shalan
(1) shantilanbeautiful
(1) shenbring/take
(1) shktol
(1) shorm
(4) shundajour
(1) ske
(1) skorjinfrom
(1) smilanseek
(1) sonlal
(1) spialaesteemed
(5) srkyou
(1) takmaend
(1) talmmade
(1) tednot
(6) teiis
(1) terinexistence
(4) teyailnthere
(1) thfr
(1) thyrwill
(1) tikov
(1) tilnlylpeople
(2) tolknafound
(1) tollen
(1) trakanvisitors
(1) trikaraconvince
(1) trylytri
(1) trylydhmtriangle
(1) tyldchild
(1) uikso
(4) unI
(1) untrylythree
(1) ustcame
(1) utahyr
(1) verkandoncitizens
(1) viindorperpetuate(?)
(4) vylwas
(7) yshkfor
(2) ytar
(1) zinhajupon

The LantiLator by Fragment
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